Saturday, April 3, 2010

Remaining Faithful

My favorite days are the ones that I get up, drink coffee, spend time with my family before they head out, then get on my bed and listen to a weeks worth of "Life Today with James Robinson" and "Joyce Meyers, Enjoying Everyday Life."  This is pure JOY to me! This is my  "me" time. I read my bible, pray and listen to the encouraging words spoken from God's truth (HIS HOLY WORD).  I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Well, today in the midst of "my time" I had a phone call from a friend. She has been going through a very rough year. As we talked, I shared with her how much her friendship means to me. How I felt God had put us together for a reason and how blessed I am to have her in my life.

You know, this life is tough. Circumstances happen that can leave us torn and bleeding. Our very hearts can feel as though they have been ripped out of our chest. There are times we may feel like we will never feel pure JOY again.

Job was a man, who should have felt NO JOY!  God allowed Satan to test him.. He endured extreme suffering, and lost EVERYTHING! If you read the book of JOB you will find that  God blessed him because he remained faithful.

Job 42:12 "The LORD blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first......"

Maybe the time in your life is not a time of pure joy. Maybe it is a time of testing and trials. Remain faithful. Remain hopeful.  It is easy to be joyful in the good times, but how does your joy hold out in the bad times?

I seek pure JOY and I have learned that it does not come from this world, but through a relationship with Christ alone. Am I always joyful?  OF COURSE NOT, but I NEVER GIVE UP!

Hebrews 10:36 (New International Version)  "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

1 comment:

  1. I spoke 6 little words that I wish I had never spoken. "I have the patience of Job". I should have never opened my mouth. I do have more patience than most people that I know. However, I most definitely do not have the patience of Job. My faith was tested and torn. God did not heal my life in the way that I had planned. He did something much better. God healed my life in the way that he had planned! Although, at the time, I thought I was going through the worst of my life. My worst brought me to my best. I am thankful that God knows what was best for me!!! PS. Be careful what you say.
