Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not Just the Potter, but the MAKER of the Clay

I had a bad day yesterday. There, I said it. I get to have one every now and then. It is times like yesterday that I have to spend hours, not minutes, with my heavenly Father. A praise song in the car won't work. A devotional won't cut it. Five minute prayers aren't enough, I NEED JESUS to love up on me. And I needed him in the worst way yesterday.

I went for a long drive just to talk to God. I didn't feel comforted, or even at peace for the first 50 miles. I drove quietly with the radio off for a long time just talking to Him.  God is always present, always loving, and He is ALWAYS right here with you.

It was a beautiful day for a drive. Sun was shining, very  little traffic on the road ,and as I passed mile and after mile, my spirit began to lift. I drove until I felt enough peace to turn around and head back home. I drove a long, long, time. Some days are like that.

But peace came, the filling of my spirit came, and joy returned to my heart. As I drove home, I began thinking about a China cup. Sometimes I feel like a small delicate China cup  that has fallen to the floor and broken into many pieces.


I envision Christ himself picking up the pieces..... carefully putting them back together because I am precious to Him. One by one, repairing the damage that was done. Putting back together, a broken vessel.

That is when the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart.......  " I am not just the Potter, but also the maker of the clay.
  Isaiah 64:8 "But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand."

Christ put me together. Every cell, every hair, ever bone, everything!  HE made piece by piece. I was not created by some cosmic accident. God perfected me. Psalms 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."
I am having a much better today,                            ..Thank you, Father! 
It is amazing what time spent with Him will do for your soul.  

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